Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day Six Dawns

Yesterday was rough on my word count. As I said, we are redoing the deck at my house, and I offered to help my dad (with a push to get it done as soon as possible). However, I was thinking it wouldn't happen this weekend, due to it being wet, also my dad's birthday. Once again I underestimated the destruction my family can have on my word count. Add on to that, last night was one of the only free nights Kat will have for ages due to her show, and I wanted to write... it was a mess.

Being a writer is hard -- the distractions are enough to get you doing other things for weeks. Sometimes you have to set up time for yourself to get things done. And I have never done this before because I can do 1000 words in half an hour (a little less, but I like giving myself a mental break before heading back in). Yesterday was the first time I attempted to set a time for myself to write, and told people about it, and it blew up in my face.

People are always so supportive of my writing, until I actually want to put words to the page. Then I'm taking time that I should be devoting to other things. Its like people feel like my writing is a hobby -- not something that should cut into time I could otherwise be spending doing something else -- and to me, its not a hobby, its a solace and way of life.

I know my mother deals with this all the time because she's self employed and works from home, and people are always assuming she has time for something, when in fact she's quite busy (of course it gets confusing because my mother also complains about not having enough work to me, so I tell someone else that she's looking for work, and then my mother is like "No I'm too busy!" ... I don't understand that but sure).

Anyways, angst of an artist, blah blah blah. I wonder how much time I waste writing these entries instead of getting in my words. ;)

In NaNoWriMo they talk about the effect of getting to 20,000 words, and how this is the point where the writing slows down because you know the characters and have to slog to get through. I've never really experienced this with my NaNos, unless of course, I get stuck on a novel that's just not going to work because it hasn't marinated long enough. I do get a sense of the twenties though, and know I'm in it now (despite being at 31,000 words). So push ahead.

Word count doesn't matter so much, I must remind myself. Its all a matter of getting as much as I can on the page. Still, I'd rather like to get to 40,000 by tonight... I hope I can. :D

I leave you with a picture of Tillie, for motivational purposes:

Almost 9
Okay, so no, I am not at 42,000 yet. I'm not even at 40,000, but I'm at a tidy 34,000. I feel pretty good at the moment and fully intend to keep the night going on and on until I get somewhere good. And this is mostly due to the fact that.... I love Lance and Penny interacting. I forgot how fun they are because in my NaNo they had one scene of fun and then Penny got all depressing. Its mostly that Lance brings out a different side of Penny that we mostly don't get to see when she's not around him, and it makes her so entertaining. Plus Lance is silly.

Anyways, more stuff has happened, and I am pleased. :D

I agree Tia, I agree. I am so entangled in this city. <3


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