Friday, July 15, 2011

Writing Fail

I have Harry Potter thoughts, but I'm keeping them to myself for the moment because I'm running on three hours of sleep and it doesn't should like anything at the moment.

Instead, I'm staring at my NaNo and BEING UPSET WITH IT. Apparently, Neil, Leta, Erik and Jane aren't entertaining enough for me. I have to write OTHER people. Its because Alane has popped up again -- actually Alane hasn't, Mattie has, and she is loud, annoying and well... I like her.

Don't be annoyed with me for the fantasy cliche, but Mattie is a nickname for Mataline. I usually hate this, but my reasons for doing it in the Book of Gates is that there are some made up names and some names that are commonplace here (Elaine, Harvey and Madeline) but some that are clearly not (Navari and Koil). Rather then have an Aerith and Bob situation, I decided to change everyone's names up. Some names do have spellings that are normal, but that's because you can't really spell Anna differently. Mya is a way of spelling the name, but it works cause its got a y. ANYWAYS. Not a discussion of names. (Though, if you're curious, I changed Harvey into Harvi).

Anyways, so Mattie showed up and was all angry and so full of anger because I've had in the back of my mind the idea of a character who Alane has hurt badly stalking her for revenge, and Mattie is so interesting in that respect because -- well she's Adair's daughter, the one who takes after her mother, and I think it would be fascinating for me to see what she does. Adair is so pissed with me. Originally Anna was going to die, but now I've just disfigured her, and Mattie has run away from home to get revenge on Alane.

Mattie and Anna are the polar opposite type twins -- Anna is sporty, full of energy, and takes definitely after her father. Mattie was planning on becoming a doctor like her mother, loves to read, and doesn't go outside if she can help it. So you would think Mattie wouldn't go out seeking revenge -- but she does. And its this twist in her character that I find to be so interesting.

The fun part was that within moments of me finding Mattie, a new character showed up and he told me about himself -- a charming trickster. I was trying to puzzle out some more about it when it hit me -- he's a shifter -- THIS IS EXCELLENT. In the world I've built here, shifters are so rare they are thought to have been killed off and are no longer considered to be magical. :D I LOVE WHEN CHARACTERS ARE BRILLIANT.

Now, if only I could name the scamp, we'd be in the money. Thoughts anyone?


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