Sunday, July 3, 2011

Camp NaNoWriMo Seesion 1: Day 1, 2 and 3

Wow, Day 1 of Camp NaNo was a slog. I didn't get around to until late, and I was super tired, so I'm pretty sure the end of the section I was working on doesn't make sense. I even think that a majority of it is going to have to go as I think about the requirements of point of view. 

Also Day 1 involved a drive into Boston which turned into Dorchester and Roxbury and being really, really lost. The story goes like this: Kat called me around 5:30 to ask me to bring her cell phone to her in Boston, because she left it at her parents. I was not pleased at the prospect of heading into Boston Friday night around rush hour, but I couldn't very well say no, so I went. She is currently working on a show, which was why she didn't me to bring it to her and while I had been to the theatre once, I actually hadn't been to the theater by car, so I got a bit lost heading down to the theater. 

I saw one of the actors heading into the theater as I pulled up and yelled for him to bring the phone to Kat and then, because I'm dog sitting, I headed back towards the house. Only, not quite knowing where I was meant that I went the wrong direction. I was heading out of Boston, I kept telling myself, and that meant I could find a way back home. However, as I traveled in search of a street I knew I got more and more lost. And then my phone died. 

So here I was, a white girl in a red VW Bug, feeling very visibly suburban and lost in one of the most dangerous places in Boston and I had to pull my laptop out of my bag to charge my phone. Great. While my phone was charging, I hit a street called "Washington" which I took gladly, thinking it was a street it turned out not to be. I ended up wiggling around in Dorchester for almost an hour, trying to figure out the best way out. 

Eventually I got on a parkway, which lead me, finally, to streets I knew, but it was very, very disconcerting to not know where I was. It meant when I got to the place where I'm housing sitting, I wasn't feeling super up to writing.

Day 2 hasn't been much better. Indeed, I seem to have lost the 2,000 words I wrote due to the POV issue. I also lost words due to these guys: 

Theo is lying on the cushion, Thor is sitting there with his funny face. They are both super old and slow at everything. However, that being said, they are both characters, and quite amusing at times.

I also went to see Kat's show. I'm not a huge fan of the show -- I never went through a Rent phase -- but the show was quiet enjoyable. Possibly because there were actors that I worked with in high school in the show, and people I knew from Kat talking about them, and the moment the show started I could tell who had directed it. I also didn't noticed mistakes the way I used to. I wonder if its the distance of time that has changed my perception of theater, or something else, but it was different to go to a show and not pick out the details that were problematic.

Except for Ryan (who played Roger, if you know the show, and who I stage managed in his first show at my high school as a freshman) who was weirdly mumbly at the beginning -- that I noticed and was annoyed by, mostly because it felt like he just wasn't opening his mouth. Weird.

Anyways, so writing!

I came up with characters! I have Leta, Nik, Neil and Lilah. Huh, typing them out like that I have noticed a trend in names. I guess Nik will have to be Erik, which is fine, as that was his name originally until he told me he was half native american and I got a mental picture of him. Okay, so Erik, Neil, Leta and Lilah. I kind of am unsure of Lilah's name, but I have a really strong sense of her character.

I also have something that could be a plot, mostly to do with forcing people together in a specific way to ensure that they have to interact, which will force plot. I hope. I could also muddle about with the characters until they tell me their real plot as I did with the 9 day novel. We'll see. I'm off to look for a better name for Lilah. Now I've thought about it, Leta is a good name, but Lilah is an 'L' name that can change.

Other then that, of course, I have to write for Firebird. I'm excited about the prompt. Maybe I can use it for NaNo?


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