I was gonna take a picture of my phone or my desk in some way to prove I actually have a job, but then I couldn't because my phone died. In the most annoying way possible. I have to bike home and I was listening to Bossypants by Tina Fey and really enjoying it and now I shall have to bike home with nothing in my ears!!! #firstworldproblems (other first world problems: I have started to add hashtags to normal posts other places then twitter).Well anyways, I will post a picture eventually.
I think I've kind of found a groove with this blog and know how I want to use it. So now, instead of articulating it, as good practice, I'm going to pretend I didn't know and just keep doing whatever the hell I want. In my own life: I've got a job as a receptionist at NOVA, which has brought out the super nerd in me. I was putting in information off of business cards on Tuesday and I typed "Elizabeth Lo" and Elizabeth freaking Loftus showed up. SERIOUSLY. Then I went around looking for other people I knew, and DUDE THEY WERE ALL IN THE DATABASE. Yes, I am a nerd for being excited about this. Its not like I'm about to call one of them and be like "Give me a job." but I might fangirl at some of these scientists... I'm such a bio nerd.
Anyways, so life has been going on. I've been working for three whole days. I have been struggling with Neil, Leta, Erik and Jane (Oh, Madeline still exists, but in a future book, maybe it will be book 2 for August's Camp).
This is the point where I pull out my strategies for fleshing out characters. The first one is to go to TVtropes and click on random and find something I know, before going and looking for a trope that I love and want to incorporate. The second is to take the Mary Sue Litmus Test.
I have decided to share with you, the tropes that are associated with my four main characters, as well as their Mary Sue Scores (and why the got them).
Was your character's name... Taken from a character from another fandom that you like? Yes, Neil is taken from Humon's webcomic Neils, which is hard to link because its on her deviantart page.
Do authority figures not punish your character when they probably would have punished his or her peers under the same circumstances? Neil and Jane get away with a lot, at first because they're rising stars, and then because they've got a dead end case that have made them less then noticeable by higher ups.
Is your character unusually accomplished for his/her age, time period, place, occupation, and/or social status? In something that is extremely desirable and/or useful in the story's universe? Neil and Jane are both in their early 20s, and have both received awards for their service... not lately though. They both work as Agents, which is a desirable position to be in.
Not counting his or her first language, how many languages does your character fluently speak? Click one box for every language. Neil can speak Spanish fluently as well as English.
Total: 10
Neil is The Hero of the story, main protagonist Charmer, with a smile that gets him through most doors (especially to women's doors). He has a cheery, almost Determinator quality about him when it comes to the case file. He is the Cowboy Cop to Jane's By the Book Cop, but they work well together, and are basically, Heterosexual Life Partners.
Is your character the best or among the best at anything he/she does? Leta is a skilled hacker. Neil and Jane have a few conversations about how brilliant she is.
Are other characters extremely impressed or astonished at your character's skills and/or virtues? When Neil and Jane meet Leta for the first time, Jane and Neil have a similar reaction of 'But you're in a wheelchair'.
On the subject of your character and his/her family... Was your character orphaned, abandoned, kicked out, or at least raised by a family/person that was not his/her own family? Yes, yes, yes, Leta's mother was awful and her father wants nothing to do with her, because he has a new family. Doesn't mean Leta's upset by it. Indeed, she seems not to care much. Probably a reaction to Erik's epic over response to it.
Is your character physically disabled, and has nothing to make up for it? She used to have mechanized legs, but getting kicked out of the game meant that they came for the legs, and she was left with... nothing at first, but then Eric went a bit mad and insisted on getting her a wheelchair.
Total: 5
Leta is a Genius Cripple, being unable to move her legs, but being The Smart Guy. She tends to be Erik's Morality Chain, though to a less extreme extent -- certainly Erik would not work with Neil without Leta around. Nor would he be above killing people in the Agency without Leta. Despite her Missing Mom, Leta has never had major issues with her parents. Her father knows about her, but has asked to not be contacted as his life has changed since Leta was born. Her mother left when she was 14. Neither seemed to have had a major imprint on her Manic Pixie Dream Girl personality towards Erik.
Any ordinary name spelled or changed so that it's more unusual? Erik is an actual spelling of the name Eric, but I would normally have spelled it Eric. His mother was feeling poetical, as she was with Leta's name.
Is your character described, illustrated, and/or shown as exceptionally beautiful, cute, or handsome? Do you find your character attractive enough to date him/her? Mmmmm, Erik is half Native American, half white. He's very, very, pretty. (he also doesn't share a father with Leta, thought I should point that out).
Is your character the best or among the best at anything he/she does? Along with Leta, its admitted they are the best hackers.
On the subject of your character and his/her family... Was your character orphaned, abandoned, kicked out, or at least raised by a family/person that was not his/her own family? His father never knew he existed, and when Erik showed up to introduce himself, he found his father refused to believe it. Then his mother left him, basically to look after Leta, when he was 18. He never quite recovered.
Has your character ever been honestly selfish, petty, lazy, shallow, or pointlessly cruel? He made an Agent that was after him and Leta go into the office and almost shoot his partner because it was "More fun" that way.
Total: 9
Erik has strong Big Brother Instincts towards Leta, but despite this he is a little bit of a Jerk With A Heart Of Jerk. He is The Lancer to Neil's Hero, and the two have a Ryu And Ken relationship. He's something of a Well Intentioned Extremist when it comes to the Agency and those who work for it (part of why he and Neil don't get along). Leta is his Moe. He has severe Parental Abandonment issues due to never knowing his father (his father doesn't know he even exists) and his mother's struggle with drug addiction which took her in and out of his life often.
Not counting his or her first language, how many languages does your character fluently speak? In order to become an Agent, you need to be fluent in two languages. Jane can speak Japanese perfectly, having been a nerd as a child and watched a ton of anime.
Is your character the best or among the best at anything he/she does? Is he/she famous/reknowned for it? She's known as the best shot in Boston. She's a remarkable sharpshooter, and its why Neil trusts her to have his back.
Does your character ever single-handedly take out more armed forces (EG, security guards, soldiers) than you can count on one hand using his/her kick-butt skills? The reason Neil trusts Jane is because of this. Also, she scared him a little by doing it.
Total: 5
Jane is a Kindhearted Cat Lover. She has a serious, long term relationship with her boyfriend Kevin. She is a Girl With Guns and knows how to use them (everyone in the Agency agrees she is the best shot in Boston). She's an Action Girl with a sense of the Lady Of War variety. She has a bit of Jeanne D'Archetype about her, due to her perseverance and desire to do what is right.
Good way to waste time!
Anyways, going to read some now. HARRY POTTER RE-READ. I'm live tweeting it. :)
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