Saturday, November 6, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 6


Just fail.

Now that's out of the way, on with the extravaganza!

I've been reading, I was going to say a lot, but in reality it hasn't been much as I've been super busy. Anyways, what happens around now is the people who don't like NaNo start talking about why NaNo is not a good thing. I was reading an article about how NaNoWriMo just puts more crap out there, and it makes the efforts of "real" writers who do it "right" less significant.

I have things I get upset over. Religion is among them, as is the woman's right to chose, and these statements produce the same sort of rage I get when I read about people saying I'm going to hell for not believing in god, or when someone says that abortion makes angels weep or any of that other type of crap.

True, there are people who write for a living. But does that make them "real" writers? I think not. I consider myself to be a real writer, and I have never published anything. To me being a "real" writer is more about the need to write then about whether you're published or not. There are pleanty of people who are published who I think are utter jackasses who aren't writing good literature (Stephanie Myer I'm looking at you). The fact that you think that these "real" writer's professions are diminished by other people trying it out disgusts me.

Writing is a creative expression, its not like plumping, or engineering, where you could make an applicable comment. No one should EVER say anything about someone else's creative expression without considering the consequences. This does not mean that I think that people aren't bad, I do. But to me, bad is writing about teen vampires who are afraid to change their girlfriend simply for plot -- apparently most teenage girls would disagree with me.

The point is its subjective and telling someone to not write if they want to is stifling them. What harm does it do to you, other then to hurt your own inflated ego as a "real" writer for amateurs to attempt something you do all the time. If your work is really that great, then you don't need to worry about what other people think.

Maybe this is because to me, writing is an expression of myself. I would do it no matter what other people do or say. I don't do it for glamor, or praise. I do it because not doing it physically hurts. My life is enriched my writing. If someone told me to stop I wouldn't. So why would I have the right, or anyone else, to tell anyone else to stop?


Day six and I've finally got around to some blogging. I'm at about 13,000 words, which is lower then I intended to be at. I'm averaging about 2000 words a day, which is fine, but I did intend to write much, much more for this month. Maybe it will shore me up so that when I get a short break -- Thanksgiving is coming up -- and can attempt real 10,000 words days. I did try yesterday with that but was disappointed because I was so tired.

I could consider it today, but I'm too tired really to do anything more then want to sleep.

It would be unfortunate if I got mono, I suppose.

Well, I believe this is the end of my post. I haven't done much blogging about the process, but I wanted some response to the things I have read to be put somewhere.


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