Thursday, November 11, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 11

Week two stop kicking my ass.

I have done NaNo for six years and this is the first year I've had a week two. Well, its not the fault of the story, more the fault of my professors having huge projects due in classes and tests this week, and being an RA so I have to do things like put up posters and have floor events, plus Harry Potter next week, so its gotten a little crazy writing time wise.

I also might have made a decision that the people at NaNo would call stupid. I changed my entire story.

Okay, so yes, not the best plan when 1667 words a day looks difficult to work in (even for ME, when it takes half an hour to get out 1000 words at most these days), and now I have to play catch up. But, on the plus side, I'm actually liking this story.

We got a pep talk the day after I decided to quit the current story and it said that you shouldn't quit because the writing gets hard or boring, and just plow through. For beginning NaNoers, I agree. Don't quit because it gets hard. Struggling through three hundred words about the sunset or some such is not an excuse to restart your novel. But when you're 13,000 words in, and you have yet to find someone or something that sustains your interest for 1000 words, and every day getting up an writing 2000 words is a drastic struggle and relief, it sucks the fun out of the month.

Yes, writing is not supposed to be about the good days, its about the days when you just don't want to write but do it anyways. I believe this. But there is a difference from slogging through a hard novel that you are still unsure of because it sounds so cliche, with characters that don't interest you incredibly, and writing something that makes you like writing it.

I'm basically trying to justify why I restarted and abandoned Alane and friends. Perhaps that novel is not supposed to be written. Perhaps, Tia and Penny want to be written more. Whatever the reason, I can write 50,000 words easily in a month. Shouldn't I at least enjoy it?

Especially when its a month as busy as this one for me. I'm a senior in college. I have to pass all my classes, and be a RA, and not fuck my residents up too much, and have some semblance of a social life. Possibly. Maybe?

I'm probably writing myself in circles here.


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