Sunday, April 17, 2011

for dreams and wishes

Writing is a very secret thing for me. I am more willing to let strangers read my work then I am to let people in my life know about my writing -- weird? Yes. I don't know if it comes from my time RPing when it was embarassing to admit to spending most of my life waiting for someone to post, or if its just that I really don't want to force people to read my writing and respond to it, or if I know they won't respond the way I want them to (as in, to tell me what's wrong in a writerly way), but I don't share my writing with my friends.

Kat will attest to how annoying this is.

Anyways. This is why I haven't told anyone that I sent in a piece to my schools literary magazine. I didn't want to deal with the fact that I have been rejected from this magazine twice and what people would say if I failed. But it makes it hard then, to tell people 'Hey I have a piece that's getting published in our schools magazine!'

It makes it even harder that I won best in show for the piece and can't seem to tell anyone about it.

So this is me telling people: I wrote something and it won something. Sure its a school lit magazine, but I have never been recognized for my writing, and this is kind of a big deal for me.

The magazine gets posted on line this week (and was out in print last week), so once that happens I'll post a link. If anyone is interested.


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