So I think I'm going to do it. Decide on the book on Friday, post it here, and see if I can get through it.
I was going to re-attempt Game of Thrones, but I picked it up this morning and... man, am I the only person who finds the dialogue in this book to be stilted and... wrong? I mean, what is with fantasy novels and their need to sound like they're Tolkien (who also had this problem). Anyways, everyone says it so great and totally the book you should read, blah blah blah. And fantasy is my genre, and how can I have not read this very important book in it?
I just... meh. I suppose I shouldn't start out on the side of not finishing a book.
So basically I want to read a book that I can finish in a week (the week isn't the hard part, its the focus and attention needed to read, because let's face it, I have lost the ability to drop into a book properly unless its completely engaging, and I think there's so much to learn and explore in books I don't find engaging). I think the solution is to start out non-fiction.
Its easier to read something non-fiction that I know I'll be able to drop in and out of. Screenplay by Syd Field is going to be my first book. Mostly because I'm having problems with plot and ideas for it, and this is it -- the famous book about screenwriting, which at its heart is about story telling.
Its 320 pages long -- and I'm doing 6 days a week, making it 54 pages a day (rounded up, cause its easier that way).
I'll "start" tomorrow, but let's be honest, I'll sneak in a few pages tonight probably.
Let's see how this goes.
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