Saturday, June 25, 2011

Trials and tribulations of Day Five

So, if you've been following me, you know that yesterday did not go well. I got 5,000 words in and hit a major road block. I tried to do what is advised at this point and went to see a movie (Beginners) and then tried not to think about it too much and just wrote for a while, free style to see if the characters would come up with it by themselves. Well, then didn't, so I went to bed in the hopes that if I slept I would have dreams that would help, or at least I would wake up with a solution.

Unfortunately cat drama happened. Let me explain the cat drama.

This is Gus:

He's my cat (the other one is Daisy). I love him dearly, but he's a very outdoorsy cat and likes to be outside. Anyways, a few years ago, we had a golden retriever staying with us (by the name of Churchill), and the dog freaked Gus out so much that he ran out of our yard and ripped open his leg. After several days of not knowing where he was, he returned, limping painfully, and had to have surgery. He did, however make a full recovery. Its times like these that I think that Gus would have made a very good Wizard Cat

The point being, Gus now can't deal with stranger dogs. We currently have a dog called Kipper staying with us. Kipper is a sweet dog:

But of course his presence means that Gus refused to come inside. Instead he would stand in our neighbors yard while we called for him, calling back that he was hungry and we better get his dinner out to him there. So, since my mother doesn't understand how to catch cats, I was the one outside, throwing cat food at Gus and trying to grab him. Didn't work. 

Well last night I wake up because Gus is yowling up a storm outside. So I go downstairs at about 4:45am and let him in. I think this interruption got into the collating of ideas in my brain and now I'm still stuck. 

Well, stuck - ish. I think I have a solution for the whole story, and its that Tia is protecting Penny, and the Shadow Collection is much closer on hand, making the danger pressing, so that Tia would feel awful for giving up Penny. We'll see. I'm going to have to wriggle it a bit. 

Today I have to get 9,000 words in, to make up for yesterday, the problem being that my dad wants me to do things with him. Well, let's get going. Do 1000 quick. See how it goes.

At 11
I have managed to write... 4,000 words today x.x I owe another 3,000 for today and 2,000 from yesterday. That's an extra 5,000 words tomorrow. And I'm so tired now.

Okay, so today, I had to start destroying the deck we have in our backyard. It was rotting and needed doing, but it of course, had to happen in the middle of this project.

Plus, tomorrow is my dad's birthday, so we went out tonight. And then Kat called me and was like "I am free!" and I was like "I NEED TO WRITE 5,000 WORDS" and she got mad at me. :(

I'm too tired to continue. Tomorrow I'll just have to figure it out.



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