23 minutes until the craziest month of the year begins. November is a fascinating, joy filled time for me because I once again embark on a novel. This year I still don't know what I'm writing and we're now 21 minutes away from the time that you can put the first word on the page that can count.
In general I plan before novel writing. Not a whole lot, just some. I like to create the characters, and delve into the world a little. This is why RPG, while looked down upon by some authors, really helps. You get through the awkward phase where your character is you, reacting and responding to everything, and change it into a separate entity. Its like pregnancy, holding on to this child, and then setting them free to grow and develop more in the novel you write later.
That being said, my favorite character, the one I spent the most time writing while RPing was Adair, who I have not written in something I would like to share with people. Instead she exists, in and out, in other forms.
Still, Ian, Molly and Alice had a good start in RP. Alice especially had an excellent start -- though perhaps this was because I was older, and more mature in my writing. Or so I would like to think.
17 minutes now. I'm kind of pumped. I should be reading about RNA and how it transcribes DNA, but there is a definite excitement in my life, a jump up and down, life is good excitement.
I am contemplating blogging my NaNo. At first this was going to be in a new blog, but this one works just as well. The writing process can be impeded by too much thought, but this is not about trying to make it work for others, but rather for myself.
14 minutes. My phone just went off to inform me of my test tomorrow. I am instead contemplating where to start. My novel this year, I believe, will be the Book of Gates. I have two groups to juggle -- Alane and Mya are the main characters. Mya fascinates me more then Alane does, and in the interest of time and in an effort to just keep writing, I believe I will start with Mya.
I was thinking, reading through some of the Mary-Sue stuff about various characters, that perhaps the whole original idea of the Book of Gates should be scrapped. The most exciting thing about it is Mya and I am heading into 12 novels? Not exciting. We'll see though, because there is a powerful pull from Alane.
9 minutes.
Even if I were to get rid of the entire idea for the entire plot and do something else -- a sequel to A/I/M or the Tower story with Benny and Nat -- I am unsure of where I would start. The other thing I could do would be my literary fiction novel -- Six Impossible Things -- but my creative writing teacher has turned me off to the idea.
I have realized I am going to need a playlist for the month. Perhaps I shall wander off in the last seven minutes to the forums to see suggestions for creating a playlist. Then again, they rarely do what I want -- which is to have songs that make me want to write.
3 minutes.
I had forgotten that the sites gets slower and slower as the first goes by. It is making things more difficult for me. But its fine. We're getting closer and closer. Soon it will be word counts instead of minutes.
I have thought about how I am going to do this. Posts will be short from here until the end of November, but I'm sure you can manage that. I am not expecting much traffic through here. But this is my writing process, how I do things.
No one can tell me what to do. National Novel Writing Month is about to begin.
Hold your breath. We're into the opening stretch.
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