Saturday, May 18, 2013

52 in 52: Week 7/8

I am still working on Graceling, which shouldn't be a surprise because it is, after all, fiction, and we all know my problems with fiction. But also this week has been insane in the realm of personal life decisions and doing the scary thing and jumping headfirst into the deep end without really remembering if I know how to swim.

Anyways, week 7's book shall be

for a bit of light humor. Also its sort, so I'll get through it asap to catch up a bit, since FAIL week 7.

Week 8, I think will be:

Cause it seems really interesting. Its not as long as "Emperor of all Maladies" either.

Plus, I'm supposed to have been working on Great Expectations... which I haven't. WOOPS. Oh well, I think this catches me up on books per week.

a calendar

Friday, May 3, 2013

52 in 52: Week 6

Finally finished with The Emperor of All Maladies, which was excellent! I fully approve of the writing and the research. It was engaging -- though it totally makes me freak out about cancer...


Week 6 shall be:

YES I AM DOING FICTION SHOCK AND HORROR. Let's see how this one goes though. I may have to change it up again...